Add a remote expert with specialized knowledge to your healthcare organization…

YUUKI is a specialized digital transformation consulting service dedicated to reducing costs, saving time, and increasing revenue for healthcare organizations. We achieve this by providing expert advisory services and advanced systems infrastructure tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

About our services

At YUUKI, we bring unparalleled expertise to your team. Our specialists have dedicated their entire careers to one vertical.

We understand the complexities of this field—slow-moving processes, siloed departments, competing interests, and a lack of motivation and strategic direction often led to failed projects that are shelved indefinitely.

However, with YUUKI, things will be different. We provide the talent, insights, and systems necessary for digital transformation: sales enablement, cybersecurity (protecting highly sensitive data), written policies, documentation, healthcare data operations and software development. Our team has over 13 years of direct experience in healthcare services, including building companies, advising, inventing and selling technologies, and creating new verticals. We have a team that ensures you get the best advice and support.

Work with us by booking a consultation below. We’ll start with a pre-discovery call to discuss your needs. Then we’ll do a discovery call and discuss next steps.

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Use the ‘Book a call’ link to book. Feel free to send a message using the form to the right.